Quick Facts
  • Level: ??
  • Classification: Boss
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Monster
  • Worth: 225
  • Stats:
    • Health: 11,156,000
    • Mana: 212,900
    • Armor: 10,573
    • Melee: 49,659 - 68,537
    • Ranged: 39,247 - 58,125
Screenshots (1)
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Emalon the Storm Watcher (1)

This NPC is a placeholder for a different mode of Emalon the Storm Watcher.


8080Drop, Quest, VendorCurrency100
4040Archavon the Stone WatcherMount1
4040Archavon the Stone WatcherMount1
22680HandsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorCloth Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorCloth Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorCloth Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorCloth Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorCloth Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorCloth Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorCloth Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorLeather Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorLeather Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorLeather Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorLeather Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorLeather Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorLeather Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorCloth Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorMail Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorMail Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorPlate Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorLeather Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorLeather Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorMail Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorMail Armor0.85
22680HandsDrop, VendorMail Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorMail Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorMail Armor0.85
22680LegsDrop, VendorMail Armor0.85
22680WristDrop, PvPLeather Armor0.85
22680WristDrop, PvPLeather Armor0.85
22680WristDrop, PvPLeather Armor0.85
22680FingerDrop, PvPRing0.85
22680FingerDrop, PvPRing0.85
22680WaistDrop, PvPLeather Armor0.85
22680WaistDrop, PvPLeather Armor0.85
22680WaistDrop, PvPLeather Armor0.85
22680FeetDrop, PvPLeather Armor0.85


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