This object can be found in Ashenvale (123), Wetlands (119), Hillsbrad Foothills (118), Westfall (111), Redridge Mountains (105), Stonetalon Mountains (102), Duskwood (72), Loch Modan (65), Silverpine Forest (64), The Barrens (56), Thousand Needles (48), Desolace (48), Darkshore (32), Arathi Highlands (30), Alterac Mountains (28), Stranglethorn Vale (19), Deadwind Pass (18), Felwood (16), Bloodmyst Isle (13), The Hinterlands (9), Ghostlands (9), Tanaris (8), Burning Steppes (6), Stranglethorn Vale (3), Twilight Highlands (3), Blackfathom Deeps (2), Feralas (2), Wailing Caverns (1) and Swamp of Sorrows (1).