This object can be found in Durotar (79), Dun Morogh (75), Tirisfal Glades (73), Teldrassil (71), Elwynn Forest (55), Eversong Woods (41), Mulgore (35), Bloodmyst Isle (34), Azuremyst Isle (34), Westfall (33), Loch Modan (28), Silverpine Forest (27), The Barrens (22), Ghostlands (21), The Lost Isles (19), Gilneas (19), The Wandering Isle (19), Darkshore (17), Thunder Bluff (14), Western Plaguelands (10), Redridge Mountains (8), Azshara (6), Undercity (6), Felwood (5), The Exodar (3), Silvermoon City (2), Southern Barrens (2), New Tinkertown (2) and Orgrimmar (1).