Quick Facts
  • Level: ??
  • Classification: Boss
  • React: A H
  • Worth: 212 50
  • Stats:
    • Health: 9,273,425
    • Armor: 10,673
    • Melee: 32,840 - 45,235
    • Ranged: 26,140 - 38,535
Screenshots (1)
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Heigan the Unclean (1)

This NPC is a placeholder for a different mode of Heigan the Unclean.


8080Drop, Quest, VendorCurrency100
21380BackGothik the HarvesterCloak4.2
21380WristHeigan the UncleanMail Armor4.2
21380ChestHeigan the UncleanPlate Armor4.2
21380ChestHeigan the UncleanPlate Armor4.2
21380BackGothik the HarvesterCloak4.2
21380BackGothik the HarvesterCloak4.2
21380Two-HandHeigan the UncleanPolearm4.2
21380TrinketGothik the HarvesterTrinket4.2
21380TrinketGothik the HarvesterTrinket4.2
21380FeetHeigan the UncleanMail Armor4.2
21380TrinketGothik the HarvesterTrinket4.2
21380HandsHeigan the UncleanLeather Armor4.2
21380TrinketGothik the HarvesterTrinket4.2
21380ChestHeigan the UncleanCloth Armor4.2
21380HeadHeigan the UncleanMail Armor4.2
21380FeetHeigan the UncleanPlate Armor4.2
21380LegsHeigan the UncleanMail Armor4.2
21380LegsHeigan the UncleanPlate Armor4.2
21380FeetHeigan the UncleanCloth Armor4.2
21380BackGothik the HarvesterCloak4.2
21380BackGothik the HarvesterCloak4.2
21380RelicDrop, VendorSigil4.2
21380WaistHeigan the UncleanLeather Armor4.2
21380Two-HandHeigan the UncleanStaff4.2
80DropInscription Technique0.1


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